How to Clean Up After a Sewage Backup: A Guide

A sewage backup can be a nightmare for any homeowner. It’s no fun to clean up the mess, and it also poses serious health risks to anyone who comes in contact with the contaminated water. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that you can take after a sewage backup to keep your home safe and healthy.
Turn off the electricity and gas: If you have a gas furnace, water heater, or hot water tank in your home, make sure to turn off the main valve. If these appliances are not electric, then just unplug them from the wall.
Run fans: Open windows and doors throughout your house to help air circulate and dry out any standing sewage that is still in your home. You can also run some fans or dehumidifiers if possible to keep things moving along nicely. This will prevent mold growth which could cause further health problems for you and anyone else who enters the space after it’s been cleaned up.
Don’t flip switches: After turning off electricity and gas, wait at least 30 minutes before entering any rooms where there may be contaminated standing liquids. Take precautions so that they do not come into contact with electrical components. This means that you should not flip any switches or turn on lights, outlets, faucets, etc., until you know the area is completely safe and dry.
Call your insurance company: If you have a sewage backup in your home, your homeowner’s insurance will likely cover the damage. This includes any loss of personal property, structural damages, and other expenses associated with restoring your home to working order after a disaster like this happens.
Call an expert: In most cases, there are health risks involved when cleaning up from a sewage backup, so even if things seem dry outside or safe enough inside, make sure to call in professional help for assistance before trying anything yourself. A pro can come in and quickly assess the situation and properly clean up all contaminated surfaces without risk to themselves or others who may be living nearby at some point down the road.
Restore your health: Anytime there is sewage contamination, it’s essential to make sure that everyone living nearby washes their hands often, eats healthy foods, and avoids contact with potentially contaminated surfaces until they are thoroughly cleaned and restored. If someone comes into contact with an area where the water damage has happened, then rinse the contaminated area thoroughly with soap and water.
Wear protective gear: If you can’t find a restoration company you can trust or want to deal with the problem on your own, brace yourself. After turning off electricity and gas, it’s time to put your gloves and boots on! You will need heavy-duty rubber gloves along with a pair of sturdy waterproof boots so that no contaminated water gets inside the space where you are working. If possible, also throw in a respirator mask because there could be toxic fumes present in the surrounding.
Start with the accessible places: Once you have your protective gear on, it’s time to start cleaning up any standing water present in the area of your home where there was a sewage backup. Make sure not to touch or disturb anything while walking through these areas and try to keep them as dry as possible to prevent mold outgrowth. This will help prevent the spread of germs throughout the space, which could be potentially dangerous if left unchecked for too long.
Cleaning supplies: You may need some cleaning tools like mops, buckets, etc., to get this job done correctly. Make sure you use ones that can easily be cleaned out afterward because there is no way around using whatever equipment you have on hand. You will also need several cleaning supplies like disinfectant, bleach, and dehumidifying equipment because these are the best ways to make sure you remove all traces of sewage from the surface.
Don’t forget: It’s essential that you do not walk through or disturb any areas where there may still be contaminated standing liquids. This could pose serious health risks for anyone who enters those spaces before being thoroughly cleaned up by professionals. If possible, try and leave things as untouched as possible; otherwise, it makes it harder for restoration crews to get rid of dangerous germs that can lead to infections.
If your home has been flooded with sewage and you cannot handle the situation on your own, it’s a good idea to call in experts as soon as possible. A quick response from those who know how to clean up after such an event properly is vital because they can limit the risk of further infection. In most cases waiting around could also lead to mold growth which can pose even more health problems down the road, so don’t hesitate!